Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ante los reclamos hechos al Papa Benedicto XVI

Simplemente el preguntarse si el Papa Benedicto XVI debería tener la obligación moral de dar un discurso público retractándose o pidiendo perdón por palabras que desde el inicio fueron tergiversadas es una falta de respeto a los valores que como seres humanos tanto aspiramos conseguir y respetar.

¿Por qué?

Primero, porque el discurso del Papa Benedicto XVI, el mismo que habló en su primera encíclica como Pontífice sobre el eros y el ágape, en ningún momento fue un insulto o ataque contra la religión islámica, Alá o Mahoma.

Segundo, porque las palabras del Pontífice están siendo manipuladas por perniciosos intereses políticos por parte de facciones fundamentalistas islámicas que movilizan masas ignorantes. Peor aún, porque es a esas masas y fundamentalistas islámicos que se les debe exigir una disculpa por quemar imágenes y figuras del cristianismo que tanto respeto y devoción significan para los más de mil quinientos millones de cristianos en el mundo.

Tercero, porque son ellos, los fundamentalistas islámicos, los que han dado el primer paso atacando a los cristianos del mundo entero al llamarlos infieles.

Cuarto, porque un hombre, el Sumo Pontífice de la Iglesia Católica Romana y Apostólica Benedicto XVI, que en todo su trabajo ha tratado de luchar por la paz, la tolerancia religiosa, el arduo trabajo, los altos valores humanos cristianos, la libertad y el respeto de la dignidad humana tiene un historial que lo apoya como para pretender ahora acusarlo del causante de la ira de Alá o de cualesquiera “dioses” celestiales o terrenales se crean ofendidos.

Quinto, porque el Sumo Pontífice de Roma como sucesor de San Pedro es un maestro infalible y al hablar como Jefe de la Iglesia Universal su autoridad sobre la fe y la moral es obligatoria, infalible y verdadera. La razón de esto, es porque sus palabras están fundamentadas en los designios y consejos divinos de Dios y el Dios Universal no miente, daña, lastima, ofende, vilipendia o injuria. Sino, su palabra divina es de amor y paz.

El Papa Benedicto XVI es el Sumo Pontífice de Roma, sucesor de San Pedro , a quien todos estamos obligados a obedecer. Es MaestroInfalible, porque cuando habla como Jefe de la Iglesia Universal ejerciendo el supremo grado de su autoridad y define comoobligatorias verdades de fe y moral, no se puede equivocar . Infalibilidad es la preservación del error, fruto de laasistenciadivina. (...) Su fundamento es la asistencia de Dios. En Dios se encuentra toda la verdad. y Dios no miente . Él haqueridodar a su Iglesia este don de permanecer en la verdad .

Sexto, porque es nuestro error como cristianos, occidentales y seres humanos que luchamos día a día por alcanzar la paz, la libertad y la prosperidad el llamar al Pontífice por su apellido de cuna y referirnos a él como un hombre más que debe someterse al miedo que nos ha infundido tan temible régimen fundamentalista. Cuando, es nuestra obligación moral reconocer que UNA VEZ MÁS somos nosotros los que hemos sido ofendidos. Nosotros que trabajamos arduamente hemos sido lastimados y amenazados, que a pesar de ser buenos cristianos obedientes de las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, también reconocemos que tenemos el derecho a protestar y reclamar se haga honor a la verdad y el respeto de nuestra propiedad, pensamientos, creencias y fervor.

Séptimo, porque el siquiera pensar que el Pontífice tiene la obligación de sembrar la paz y evitar confrontaciones por medio de pedir perdón es un ataque a nosotros mismos y a las aspiraciones de prosperidad y paz con que tan férreo deseo luchamos por conseguir.

Octavo, porque Dios es paz, vida, amor y respeto y en ningún momento el representante en la tierra del Dios cristiano sería capaz de con sus palabras lastimar o encender la llama del odio y la venganza. Tal y como nosotros, personas dignas, seríamos capaces de siquiera pensar en hacerlo.

Noveno, porque esta encíclica escrita con tanto amor por los hombres y devoción por la paz en el día de Navidad del año 2005 no pudo ser escrita por la misma persona que muchos acusan de encender la ira de Dios.

Me uno al grito de respeto al amor, la paz, la libertad y los valores morales y entrego mi completo apoyo al Pontífice en estos momentos en que necesita recemos por la paz mundial y un cese a las agresiones del fundamentalismo islámico.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Edmond Dantès understood it. Why not also the fundamentalists in Lebanon?

Bombs still continue falling, guns still continue being shot and people is still dying for one more week in the border between Lebanon and Israel.

But that is just a side of the story. Still, many other people are trying to realize that life is here to unite us all.

While men shot guns, men also pray and do good. Which of those sides of the mirror have we chosen in our life? Thank God I have not used a gun yet. But words I have said, as all of us have done, have hurt the ones I love the most.

Vendetta is not the solution. Just as Edmond Dantès knew at the end of his story. Many things came to my mind while reading the "Count of MonteCristo" and will write them as help me realize many more things. A superb book writing with the finest strings of a
cello solo .

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

mientras miro por la ventana y añoro una taza de café

¿Cuán difícil puede ser sacar a un perro del campus de una universidad privada? Tan difícil como para decidir emplear a 6 jardineros que persiguen a la fantástica perrita que cree están jugando con ella por el tiempo que tomaría hacer mas de algún trabajo en el jardín.

Mientras tanto, nosotros seguimos sentados en nuestros asientos sin hacer nada útil y además… gente como yo, pierde el tiempo escribiendo estas líneas y a la vez recordándome que podría estar jugando con la perrita en el jardín de enfrente.

Monday, September 04, 2006

CAFTA-DR springs with new life in Central America but in the United States nobody talks about it anymore

“Commerce amongst nations should be faizr and equitable”
Benjamin Franklin

“Cultivate peace and commerce with all”
Thomas Jefferson

It was June 2005 and I was attending a seminar at an important policy think tank in Capitol Hill. While walking around the nation’s capital I came across one of the most famous landmarks in the city. I turned my head to the right and raised my eyes to read the quotes of two of the Founding Fathers. Those quotes are sculpted in the walls of U.S. Department of Commerce. Those phrases by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson have become relevant to Central America and Dominican Republic economic and historical future.

A year has almost passed since my visit to Capitol Hill, and by now spring season is over in Central America. Winter has just begun and not just rain has started to fall, but also a rain of discussions and logrolling has taken power of the country’s polity. Since the beginning of negotiations on May 28, 2004 and with the recent ratification in almost all of the signatory countries, special interest groups are seeking to gain space in the political arena of Guatemala. The passing of the last months have already demonstrated the ignorance surrounding the discussion of the philosophical foundations of free-trade.

More so, the reason why free trade is so important will be determined by the outcomes and benefits that trade creates with the satisfaction of the human needs. Discussion in Guatemala about the CAFTA-DR will revolve around how to create the greatest outcome and satisfaction of all of the citizens. While free traders believe in the premises mentioned before, there is still a very influential group of pressure in Guatemalan society that believes that the CAFTA-DR will create a somehow different scenario. In this scenario, Central Americans will not achieve the “promises supposedly entitled by free trade” that their leaders have managed to misinterpret and exaggerate.

Therefore, a review of the ideological foundations of anti-market groups is essential for examining the CAFTA-DR debate. The ideology of anti-market groups is based on the premise that the United States represents nothing more than an imperialistic power that expects to conquer world markets with their products, destroy all of the region’s small and mid-size companies, eliminate competition through unjust business practices, and destroy the pristine mountains and rainforests in Central America. Such a strong premise is reinforced by attention-grabbing tactics aimed at audiences from a wide political spectrum. Speeches declare that many people will loose their jobs and be excluded from the economic growth that will fall only into the hands of Guatemala’s few elite.

However, in all of the reasons mentioned above those groups are somehow mistaken by the misunderstanding of trade principles and of economic processes, and their speeches have found a much sounded support in the uneducated population of Central America because information about the Free Trade Agreement have failed to be effective nor a real market economy has never been established anywhere in the world.

In fact, it will be an illusion to ignore that the United States is the most powerful economy in the world but, trade takes place only by voluntary exchange so it is a fallacy to believe that Central America will be conquered by a coactive power of the U.S. economy. It is true that many small and mid-size companies may disappear; however, those companies that will disappear will find the explanation of its disappearance in their inability to compete in world markets and satisfy consumer needs at the lowest cost possible. Trade promotes wealth, and wealth creates and important incentive for the protection of the environment by the implementation of environment friendly activities that without trade surplus may have been to expensive to undertake. Still, those are just a few of the many reasons that anti-trade groups have stated, and there are also many other reasons that prove them to be wrong or at least with a mistaken vision of market.

These special interest groups have managed to declare and convince many people that it is false that the approval of the treaty will become the solution that the Central American countries have long time waited to reach prosperity and economic bonanza. And in fact, somehow they are right because it is false to believe that just by the ratification of the CAFTA- DR the region will soon be part of double digit economic growth and that poverty will diminish in an escalade of development. The CAFTA-DR is just one step toward economic progress.

Nonetheless, economic certainty for investment and the rules of economic gain are soon to be reinforced by the CAFTA and the economic ties with the United States will represent more stable democracies also; and subsequently a tearing down of trade barriers will stimulate greater economic growth by the rising of standards of living for most of the citizens of Central America. And more so, spillovers will soon be reflected in foreign direct investment of a market competition in between the members of the treaty with the allotment of new factories, services, companies and hundreds of new business. All of which will be leaded by the premises of cost opportunity evaluation, growth viability, economic efficiency, security of investments and risk taking just to mention a few examples of a really complex market structure that is needed to undertake the road to prosperity.

Finally, while in the United States there was an active political lobbying to ratify this treaty of regulated market, in Central America the struggle for the establishment of a more regulated and world standardized market will continue. It will not only take Central Americans effort to develop all of the regions highly competitive products in world’s economy, but also an ideological fight will emerge and reinforce. While it will be on market directed followers the final victory, there are many institutional and cultural efforts to still be made.

It will be on Central America and U.S. market-directed leaders to break the chains that still keep the region from reaching a fair and equitable commerce that will have in its fully result peace and prosperity among nations. Shall those last words once written by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson be never forgotten, while rethinking which are the real and truly ends of commerce and a free market civilization that will one day humans finally realize.

El ron acedo

Esta es una carta al lector que publiqué en el periódico "El Periódico" en la ciudad de Guatemala en referencia a un artículo publicado por el Sr. Fernando Andrade Díaz-Durán, candidato a la vicepresidencia de Guatemala, en referencia a una obscura visita que realizó el Sr. Andrade a la ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.


Con trémulo ensalzamiento el Sr. Fernando Andrade recibió la ignominia de una botella de ron especial. Un ron que seguramente tendrá el sabor de la sangre de miles de cubanos que han muerto lentamente bajo la tétrica sombra del terrible asesino Fidel Castro.

En una sociedad regida por el ágape, la razón, la dignidad y la libertad las palabras del Sr. Andrade (“Conversando con Fidel Castro”, Fernando Andrade Díaz Durán) hubieran significado la perturbación, rechazo y crítica de los guatemaltecos dignos.

Mientras tanto, Nuestros más “ilustres” políticos vanaglorian haber tenido una anécdota inolvidable en un viaje a la ahora yerma Cuba que antaño dejaron señores tan honorables como el Dr. Armando de La Torre.

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